Gaylord Leadership Forum
Gaylord Leadership Forum
5:30PM - 7:00PM
Kirtland Community College - Gaylord | 80 Livingston Blvd., Gaylord, MI 49735
Join us to hear about how AFSCME members have come together to grow their power in the last year.
You’ll get a presentation about successes locals have built, how members can continue to grow their strength and discuss as a group how AFSCME Michigan can further support these efforts.
Together, we can continue to grow AFSCME member power in the workplace.
Upcoming Dates
Gaylord Leadership Forum
Join us to hear about how AFSCME members have come together to grow their power in the last year.
5:30PM - 7:00PM
Kirtland Community College - Gaylord | 80 Livingston Blvd., Gaylord, MI 49735