Stephanie Suppa: Building Power in Numbers

When Stephanie Suppa, LPN was elected President of Local 301, My Michigan Sault St. Marie, she knew that growing her unit was the best way to gain power. She wanted to build a strong local that would be able to have a united voice and make a difference in their workplace.
“I tell new coworkers that there is power in numbers and what one person cannot accomplish by themselves a union of a hundred or more can,” said Suppa.
Her advice and organizing work is paying off. She has grown her union from 62 members to 179 dues-paying members. Stephanie’s organizing has nearly tripled the membership and power of her union.
Although Suppa has built great success, she is also excited to continue to grow her skill set and attend training to learn more. Recently she attended the Dale D. Latta Upper Peninsula Spring Conference in Marquette, MI.
“I feel like it is my duty as President to keep up on the most recent training possible to better represent my members,” said Suppa. “I learned how to better approach new coworkers about joining the union. I also learned how to be a Secretary-Treasurer so that when I recruit a permanent Secretary-Treasurer I can train them properly.”
She knows that continuing to build her knowledge and her local union will make a difference when talking to management. “My union helps hold management accountable and make sure they adhere to our contract, so our members are treated fairly.”
And Suppa will continue to ensure that her local union is strong enough to do just that.
For more information about training in your area to continue to grow your Local knowledge, follow our calendar at