Local 875 Nurses March in Solidarity

“Hey, hey, ho, ho, corporate greed has got to go,” chanted over 200 McLaren Flint nurses, family members, and other union members showing their support during a solidarity march on June 14, 2024.
After management blocked their reasonable proposals at the bargaining table, McLaren Flint nurses wanted to ensure the community heard their voices and knew their concerns. Topics such as safe staffing ratios, avoiding nurse burn-out, and ensuring nurse retention have united the nurses in solidarity to share their message.
“We want McLaren Flint to be the safest hospital for our patients and the community. They deserve the best, high-quality care, and we are asking for agreements that ensure that,” said Kelly Indish, President of Local 875, McLaren Flint nurses.
The nurses marched in solidarity with several other union supporters including other AFSCME Locals, Teamsters, UAW, Pipefitters, Steelworkers and more. They marched down the sidewalks surrounding the hospital carrying signs that read, “Support those who care for your loved ones,” and “I support AFSCME Local 875 Nurses.”
“It was heartwarming to see how many people joined us for the march. We had members from several other local unions, Sheriff Chris Swanson, family members, friends, and even some pets,
said Indish. “It felt good hearing all the honks of support, people clapping in their cars, and shouting in support of our march. It is good to know the community we care for so much, cares for us as well.”