Building a Stronger Union Together

AFSCME Michigan Family,
It has been four months since the inception of the Michigan Organizing Committee 925, also known as AFSCME Michigan and I could not be prouder of our success so far. When I say our, I do not mean just the team who works at AFSCME Michigan, but also all of our hard-working members and leaders who have come together to grow and build a stronger collective voice. None of these successes would be possible without each of you.
We’re connecting with local leaders, sharing the vision, and gathering feedback.
• 9 roadshow meetings covering every region of Michigan
• 3 more roadshow meetings scheduled to connect with locals
We’re building real capacity at the local and member level, growing power for years to come.
• 7 member trainings held
• 8 more trainings scheduled this year
• 33 new Volunteer Member Organizers trained
• 298 stewards attended training
• 35 contracts settled
• 9 new AFSCME Michigan staff hired
But the proof is in the numbers, and our union is growing, and growing stronger.
• 1,538 New Members Since February 2024
• 3 successful membership blitzes, with many more in the works.
Since February 1, 2024, we have grown by 1,538 members throughout the State of Michigan. This has been done through the hard work of dedicated leaders, volunteer member organizers (VMOs), and our staff working together to share the importance of building a strong collective voice in our units.
We are proud that we have also built our base of VMOs with 33 individuals as well. These organizers have been critical during our last three blitzes in Flint, Detroit, and Marquette. They visited worksites, knocked on potential members' doors, and had the important conversations needed to grow our union. These blitzes have been so successful that we plan to continue them throughout the state for the remainder of the year.
"Participating in these blitzes has already helped me grow as a leader. We will deploy the tactics I have learned to grow and strengthen our local." Johnathan Young, Steward, AFSCME Local 1387
Before the conversion to the Michigan Organizing Committee, we did a roadshow throughout the State to gather input and feedback about how we can make a difference. During these town halls we heard the consistent need for training and improved communication. We took these growth opportunities very seriously and have implemented plans to improve both.
So far, since February we have offered six steward training courses across the state in various locations making it easier for members to attend without extensive travel. We also have training planned for the remainder of the year including leadership and secretary-treasurer training. All training opportunities are available at
"Union training helps teach new members the initial ropes and helps cement skills for long term members. It also often gives us the ability to meet with other locals to discuss what struggles and successes they have and how we can benefit each other through mutual help and shared ideas." Geoff Teeples, Chapter Chair, AFSCME Local 496
To improve communication, we created a standard plan that ensures members are continuously receiving information from different platforms. Each month all members receive emails about different topics within AFSCME Michigan. There are also quarterly newsletters that are mailed to all members’ homes featuring stories about members and Locals and their successes. Lastly, we have started sending text messages directly to members to help them receive timely invites and invitations. We will continue to implement new communication methods to ensure you are receiving timely and important information.
We have also reinstituted many of our committees such as the Institutional Unit Coordinating Committee, School Unit Coordinating Committee, and the College and University Coordinating Committee, and brought back the Dale E. Latta Upper Peninsula Spring Conference. We want to ensure that we reinstitute the committees and conferences that benefited our membership the most.
Our work is just getting started and we are looking forward to continuing to grow with you. Throughout the next several months we will be continuing to host town halls to share our growth and successes. There will also be several other pieces of communication, so our members are aware of what is happening with your union. To build a strong unified voice, we need you. This is just the start of a strong AFSCME Michigan.
Gino Carbenia
Executive Director
AFSCME Michigan