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President's Monthly Report - November 2024

Angela S. Dameron
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President's Monthly Report

November 16, 2024


Angela S. Dameron



Thank you! To the veteran’s and the active military men and women who have served and continue to protect our country!

We salute you!!!!!!!

As we prepare to enter negotiations, it is important for you to believe that the elected bargaining team is negotiating the best possible contract for our union. 

I encourage you to please stay away from the rumor mill. This does nothing but cause chaos and division within our union when unity is what we need during this tense, and stressful time. Having our members supporting our Bargaining Chair and the team is crucial to sending a message to the employer that our members are invested in its union and the negotiation process. For clarity, this is called solidarity!

Please check your email and the union website for union updates, meeting times and special notices.

It was a pleasure meeting with the members who work in the Athletics Department! The union will be making its rounds when we can acquire space and time from your departments. As always you are welcome to come to a union meeting!

Welcome new members! Thank you for joining the AFSCME Local 1583 union and for helping us to further strengthen our position at the University of Michigan. In Solidarity we stand! 

New members are signed up daily. Speaking with our members when they are hired is the best way to engage them in the union and to sign them up! Everyone can help with this! Be a union ambassador, while helping to strengthen our union!

Do you know that being a dues paying member in good standing means that you can hold any office in the union? You can also be a member of the bargaining team, vote on the contract, attend union meetings and enjoy union events. 

I am currently doing weekly site visits at Michigan Medicine. If you would like to meet me in the cafeteria for a conversation, please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions that you may have.

Not receiving emails? Please be sure to update your email and password with HITS. The union primarily relies on email to notify you of important union information as well as upcoming events. Unfortunately, this information is not managed by the union.

Site Visits- South Quad-Orientation, Michigan Medicine, Building Services-Orientation, Patient Transportation, Transportation Department, PFANS and Athletics.

District Stewards are needed on Central Campus! Please Join the team! 

As a District Steward, you will assist your fellow union members, Chief Stewards, and your Union when you become part of the team. If you are interested in joining, please email Angela Dameron, President, or contact the union office at, 734-480-1300.

Chief Stewards are in the office on Fridays and available to answer your questions between 12pm-2pm. You can reach them by calling 734-480-1300.

In Solidarity,

Angela S. Dameron, President 

AFSCME Local 1583
